Monday, July 22, 2013

Do you know what the meaning of the law?

Do you know what the meaning of the law?

Date of the word: in the search for the word 'law' notes that the origin of this word is taken from the Greek word (Zs Zچپ), then borrowed Arabic word through contact with the Greek language. It has been stated that this word originally used in the sense of 'ruler' any stick straight

2 - linguistic meaning: the law in the language meaning «base», and al-Qaeda means in turn language meaning of order and stability on the pattern of a major and steady; rule or law is every relationship produces phenomena so that if achieved one realized the other extension; According to this meaning is said «the law of gravity »refers to the phenomenon of the fall of any object by throwing in space, so they say« the law of force »and« Law boiling water »and« the law of the earth's rotation and succession of day and night and punish chapters »and« the law of survival of Energy »or« the law of supply and demand »and uses of this like that. These meanings of the word unintended law in the study of law.

3 - the idiomatic meaning of the Act: It is reported the word 'law' in the terminology one of the following meanings:

First: «a general and abstract rules, binding and regulating the conduct of human social accompanied بجزاء on a reward or punishment for those who carried out or opposers by public authority capable of respecting»
The word (Sچپ) in English and (ژkhrza) in French comes in this sense, and when it is said (Sچپ h t hunch w) means «rule of law», and the law in this sense it is called in Persian language the word «rights» as the name of the collection without a single. The word 'Islam' or 'Sharia' comes to that effect; said to 'the laws of Islam' any laws of Islam; collection of this law at all.

Second: called the term «law» and is intended to set the legal rules in the state and the time appointed, and said to him «positive law» Nzeralkouna subject and force the will power dominant, as distinct from the other provisions that have no references to the implementation or application specific, as principles of morality, honor and dignity, etc. . This use will be at the study of law in force in the country is said to «Malaysian law» or «Nigerian law» or «Iranian law», for example, is often used the word law in this case, plus «term positive» is said «positive law Malaysian» or « Nigerian ».

Not just be the term 'legitimate issue' or 'legitimate government' - that the findings of the industrious by deduced - synonymous with this meaning in terms of the essence; In Persian launches here the word 'human' also, it is said, for example, «Human Iran». Third: the law in the sense set of provisions and rules issued by the legislative authority, and here the law is codified always, a sense of «legislation», and it is called in English (Legislation) and in French (L'egislaton), nor is that the law in this sense is synonymous with the term «Jurisprudence in Islam. In the Persian language is called the term 'law' and is intended more often this sense. In Arabic called the law in this sense sometimes «legislation» and sometimes «legalize» as if I take a picture compilation of scientific rationale for the majority of controls related to the branch or the other branches of law; was said: «rationing civil» or «rationing trade» or «rationing Criminal» expression on the legislation, which includes rules relating to this section or the other.As foreign launches of these terms on the science that looks at the theories and the general rules of law or philosophy of law or the law also assets.

The term, which is equivalent to the meaning of 'law' in the dictionary is Islamic «aware Jurisprudence».

B - Rights:
This word is sometimes used in the plural as the name of a combination of non-Single; Vtadel meaning I, II and IV of the use of the word «law», is said to set the rules governing community «rights», is said to base legal «base rights», said the science of law «aware of rights », and called on the faculties of law and sharia title« law schools and law », specialized magazine called law 'Journal of rights', in this sense. It is said of a man of law 'human rights' or 'Fakih law' or 'legal world' according to different uses. And other collection used in the sense 'right', is different meaning from the meaning of the word law. And 'right' means: the power or authority or privilege granted by law to a real person or legal entity without the other. And cash equivalents in English (Right) and French (Dtoit subjectif).And others. And 'right' in Islamic jurisprudence comes to that effect, and has three pillars: Who has the right, and has the right, and the related right. And corresponds to the right in Jurisprudence 'judgment' and ownership.

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