Monday, July 1, 2013

Picture: Kaka seems Kaelkezm the the front of the giants of China

Deployment of the Real Madrid player and former Brazilian midfielder Kaka a picture of him during his visit to China via site "Anstagram".

's Collected star former Milan with two of the most important Giants basketball in China first is Yao Ming (right) His face premolar famous, which is the month drew on the social networking site "Facebook", which is one of the tallest players in the Major League basketball with a length of two meters and 29 centimeters long and the second is Sun Ming Ming (left image), which is longer than playing basketball in the history of the game with a length of two meters and 36 centimeters, while the length of star Brazilian meters and 86 centimeters, so it seemed the Brazilian star them Kaelkezm.

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