Thursday, August 15, 2013

7 Secrets about sexual desire in women

7 Secrets about sexual desire in women
Every couple they can find sexual harmony between them, perhaps spontaneously, or repeated ahaadeeth conscious, but there are many women who are ashamed of addressing this issue; How Tksrin this ice?

women's Perspectives
A study of the Cedars-Sinai Institute for Brazilian social and family studies that the situation is different nationality among women, and the mechanism of sexual overnight with different, varying in the societies of the world. Women can somewhat carry some unpleasant points in men in the exercise of intimate cohabitation, but continuing it affects what he called a number of social workers' sexual harmony between couples.

The study said that the man has a specific mechanism; for sex, which is simple, but it is complicated for women and perhaps, this complexity is the main reason, which makes them up to a hatred of sex, and try to avoid intimate cohabitation with the husband in various ways.

Secrets like perceived by the man
Some women Aaddn that what they want couples may be secrets nationality should not go into them; not to hurt the feelings of the man, but this is a big mistake; because women really in to lend a man interested in a reasonable desires and what you love and love, a love that understands the man seven secrets libido then, what are they?

First - most women worry their appearance
Said the Brazilian Institute in his brief on this subject: that men do not care attention to the efforts of women redecorating itself, and the use of make-up or wear dresses, which raises Man's desire, and it was imposed imposed on them, and without giving the man a value to it, or heated issued wife بمديح beautiful.